Thursday, May 28, 2015

College Bound: Decorating Your Dorm

Okay so this will probably be one of my favourite posts to write. And longest. But that's okay!

School is getting out for summer, and for high school seniors, it's kind of a fun-stressful time! You're thinking about your future roommate, your new-you college wardrobe, and of course, how you're going to decorate your dorm! Being me, I started thinking about decor way before school even got out. But let's be real here- those cute string lights, picture frames, and candles are not cheap! So my post today is going to be all about decorating your dorm room on a budget! Let's do this!

Okay so I know a lot of dorms and apartments don't allow candles in apartments, but stick with me here.
Walking through the Target candle section is my weakness. I could be there for hours! But candles don't last me a long time... and for $12? No thanks. So I went to the Dollar Store (If your college town does not have a dollar store... I'm praying for you) and found some vanilla scented candles and cute spherical holders! I got two of each and I'll be placing them on either side of my dresser!The Dollar Store has lots of different jars, and it'll end up looking something like this:

This is the closest picture I could find to what I created. I only have one candle in each jar and the jars are a lot smaller, but you can get the picture!
(I would have posted a picture of my own, but I left all my creations in Utah!)
The Dollar Store also carries flame-less candles! They look (and sometimes smell) just like the vanilla candles I purchased. If you're dorm or apartment is very strict on candle-usage, I'd opt for the flame-less ones!

Putting up Christmas tree lights in your room is awesome. Especially for those late nights when you're writing a paper (let's be real... you're watching Friends on Netflix) and you don't want to have those ridiculously bright dorm lights on. If you go shopping a few days after Christmas, you'll be sure to find tree lights on sale almost anywhere! But if you need the tree lights now, Walmart sells them anywhere from $4 to $20.
Last semester, I splurged on some lights from Target (mine are white) that were about $15. It's not very long, but I wasn't looking for a lot of lights! They're super cute and I justified it because I wasn't going to be stringing the lights all across my room! I hung the lights just above my closet which provided the perfect amount of light and it wasn't overwhelming!
You can also ask your family or friends at home if they have any Christmas tree lights they are no longer using. Lots of artificial trees now have built-in lights, so your family might have unused tree lights up in their attic!

Wall decor is so important! Your dorm room is going to look so empty without something hanging.
I went to TJ Maxx (my favourite store for home decor!) and found a vertical frame that holds three 4x6 pictures. I then took three postcards and placed them in the frame! My mom recently purchased some Disney postcards from Amazon, so I used three from there! The frame was about $10 which I consider a steal!

This is a really crappy picture, but you get the idea. Keep an eye out on Pinterest for cute quotes, mottos, sayings, etc.! Print them out on cardstock and hang them!
Also, Ikea has some great, cheap options as well. Target has lots of cute ones, but they tend to be a little more pricy.

Another great option is to paint pictures yourself! While this can sound daunting for those of us who are left-brained, it can actually be quite simple. Michaels usually has some cheap canvases. Last week a lot of them were 40% off, so keep an eye out for sales! You'll want to buy the ones that are stapled in the back so you can hang them on your wall. Here's an easy DIY that you can do in minutes! You just need a brush, painters tape, a canvas, and how ever many paints you want.
When hanging, used command strips or hooks! They stick on great and are inexpensive.

Having plants in your room can make your dorm feel less like a prison and more like home (doesn't that sound sweet?). However, flowers can get expensive. Fake flowers are always an option and can look cute! Find a small bunch of flowers you want, then a small vase. The spherical jars I mentioned when talking about candles would work! Then I would add just a very small amount of water (maybe like 5 table spoons) to the vase, and add a drop of food dye in there! If you don't want to add water, you can always do marbles or small pebbles into the vase as well.
If you want to do plants though, I would recommend succulents. They last forever and don't require a lot of maintenance. Walmart carries some (around $5 and up) along with artificial plants. Also check your local farmers markets! I bought a little succulent last fall for $2.50 and it lasted for a long time!
If you're looking for a cheap pot for the plant, again, go to the Dollar Store.

You can't really see it, but I got this dark red pot from the Dollar Store and I love it! They also had black, yellow, and green, I believe. My darling boyfriend bought me the plant from Walmart, so I don't remember how much it cost, but it wasn't pricey!
As for the soil... we just got some from outside our dorm. #College

If I've learned anything from working at Anthropologie, it's that you have to pay attention to the little things. You can have a totally plain comforter, but have some cute throw pillows. You can have large white walls, but add some fun prints and frames. You can wear a tee shirt and jeans, but adding a necklace or scarf really pulls it all together.
So when looking at your desk, you want to have the little things there. Don't spend tons of money on a pencil holder! Take a mason jar from your house or get a cute mug! This goes along with your makeup brush holders. I used a mason jar and hot glued a ribbon around the top! I've received lots of compliments on it!

Also, let's be real. You don't need those fancy $20 pens. I found these cute ones in the dollar section at Target! Keep an eye out for the cute little things and you will easily transform your space.

Lots of the ideas discussed today were taken from Isabella's blog, and Bethany's Youtube channel. Give them a look!

To finish this post off, here are some quick, last-minute tips to making your dorm look great:
1. Have all your clothes' hangers match.
2. Keep your shoes under your bed or in your closet to create space and get rid of clutter.
3. Keep your backpack, books, and other miscellaneous items off the floor.
4. Use small baskets to keep small items organized and away, like makeup, nail polish, and school supplies.
5. And last but certainly not least, do your laundry! Not only will this keep clothes off the floor, but you'll be more organized and be less stressed about the overflowing laundry basket in your closet.

Congrats on going to college! Hope this helps!
Feel free to comment with any more tips and tricks!

*click the links to see examples, prices, etc.

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